How do motivation and leadership interact in everyday life? How to manage a team properly? Continue reading to find out more!

What is a good leader?

Hierarchical organization within a company is not only normal, but also desirable. It facilitates internal processes and allows the workflow to be optimized and, consequently, productivity to be increased.

This is why companies have leaders, supervisors and directors. Everything so that each person knows exactly what to do and the business progresses as best as possible.

However, this organization is only as efficient as the people responsible for putting it into action. In other words, a team is only as good as its leader.

The leader must be a guide, who is aware that employee engagement is the best way to create a healthy, efficient company culture and that his team is as important as the results.

Furthermore, this same leader’s role is to manage the organizational processes to always innovate with the team. And how do these factors influence company growth? Good leadership brings increased productivity, low turnover and the search for innovation. Therefore, leadership is recognized as a soft skill and to exercise it in the best way, some characteristics are essential.

  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Creativity
  • Team work
  • Strategic vision
  • Commitment
  • Good communication
  • Empathy

Beyond soft skills

In addition to these soft skills, leaders must have multilevel systemic thinking, that is, the ability to include different agents in building the company’s strategy.

Understanding the impact of business decisions on everyone involved makes an organization’s leadership stand out through collaboration and partnerships.

Another factor that cannot be left out is the availability for innovation. In other words, challenge traditional approaches and get the team to adopt new positions to achieve goals.

Therefore, the presence of quality leaders to execute the company’s strategy becomes more essential every day.

How important is motivation in the company?

Motivation is one of the main ingredients for the success of a business. And what does this word so commonly used today mean?

Motivation is the stimulus that moves someone to take a certain action. It is the energy that motivates our attitudes and conduct! Its importance is vital for a team’s productivity and efficiency. Motivation is one of the main responsibilities of leadership, which drives the behavior of each employee, contributing to the good performance of the team.

Motivated and engaged employees feel respected and recognized and become partners in your business, going far beyond fulfilling their obligations.

Success and continued motivation in organizations will only be possible by involving and valuing their employees.

What is the relationship between motivation and leadership?

When we understand the two concepts, it becomes clear that they are directly interconnected and inseparable elements. Motivating is an essential characteristic of a leader to influence their employees to achieve organizational objectives.

How to be a good leader in 5 steps?

Having defined the importance of a good leader in motivating the company, it is time to understand how to achieve this performance in a leadership role. Check out some steps below!

1. Learn to delegate tasks

A good leader is one who knows how to delegate tasks to their professionals. When we decide to do everything on our own, in addition to showing a lack of trust in our employees, we become exhausted and irritated. This reduces team morale and motivation.

2. Know your team well

Each person is different, with their own personality and worldview. Therefore, there is no point in believing that there is a single action for all cases, without critical reflection on the subject.

Therefore, a good leader must know his team well to know what will best suit him. In addition, he needs to understand each person’s strengths and weaknesses and how to stimulate motivation in all of them.

3. Be present

Many leaders leave their teams to their own devices and are always away, only showing up to consider results. However, this is a significant problem for two main reasons:

The first is that employees do not develop an emotional connection with the company. After all, the leader represents the business to them.

The second reason is the need for guidance on carrying out tasks. When delegating tasks, the leader specifies, establishes performance standards and emphasizes meeting deadlines with the team.

4. Invest in constructive feedback

The role of a leader also includes giving feedback to employees. However, this feedback must be constructive, intelligent and focused solely on the content. In a way, leadership should be like mentoring: praising what is good, explaining what is not and how the professional can correct the problems.

5. Create an incentive system

Finally, leadership must create a good incentive system for the company’s employees. This will help motivate them and engage them with the company’s internal goals, increasing productivity.

Ready! Now that we have explained the link between motivation and leadership, your company can better work on these characteristics and get the best results from the team in the workplace.

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