Holding Corporate Events is part of the operation of every small, medium or large company. It’s not difficult to understand why this is when we look at the numbers and statistics: 85% of company leaders believe that holding events in this format are vital to the company’s success.

Therefore, having an excellent team behind the organization of events is important to ensure that everything goes as desired. After all, it is not easy to plan a Corporate Event. There are many variables to consider and logistics need to be impeccable.

Incentivare understands this. Our know-how on the subject is widely documented and our track record speaks for itself.

Do you want to know why Incentivare is the best company to coordinate your Corporate Events? So, continue reading the article below!

What are Corporate Events?

Corporate events are meetings and interactions between professionals who can present themselves in different formats. They can be organized in person, virtually or in a hybrid way, with different functionalities and scopes.

Meetings such as:

  • Conferences;
  • Get-togethers;
  • Congresses;
  • Conventions;
  • Courses;
  • Fairs;
  • Round tables;
  • Speeches;
  • Seminars;
  • Symposia;
  • Workshops.

Corporate Events can have external marketing benefits (conventions, fairs, roadshows) and internal marketing (gatherings, courses, lectures, workshops), networking (congresses, round tables) and updating (conferences, seminars, symposiums).

What is the advantage of carrying them out in your company?

Corporate Events are excellent ways to generate brand value, especially in the B2B segment (but not only!). They also help the company catch the attention of potential customers and give the opportunity to better explain or present a technology, strategy or new feature. They are, therefore, great market insertion tools.

Events are also important for the company’s internal marketing. Through lectures, workshops and courses, the company increases its network for attracting new talent, trains its current employees and increases professional loyalty, ensuring higher quality human resources.

To top it off, these events are great opportunities to establish partnerships between companies and professionals. And, in addition, exchange information and collaborative projects.

It is important to keep in mind that Corporate Events are investments made by companies that, when compared to other alternatives, bring very significant results.

For example: the average ROI (Return on Investment) of holding events ranges from 25% to 34%. Furthermore, 61% of marketing professionals on the international scene believe that in-person Corporate Events are their main, most critical and important channel.

Corporate Events: why is Incentivare the right company to coordinate your events?

Over the last 20 years, Incentivare has become one of the largest logistics and corporate event planning companies in Brazil, even taking on projects for international clients.

During this period, our team organized more than 11 thousand events in 50 countries. This level of know-how is unique in Brazil, especially considering our extensive experience in Corporate Events with large audiences (+1,000 people). Thus, in the last 4 years alone, more than 103 thousand people were impacted by events organized by Incentivare.

There are some specific elements that make Incentivare the best corporate event logistics company in Brazil. One of the most important is our team!

How we work

The Incentivare team is made up of qualified employees with high-level corporate experience. Our team is multidisciplinary and prepared to work with excellence in all types of projects. For us, organizing an event is more than just logistics: it is the art of serving and adapting to the needs of each project. After all, not every Convention is the same, just as each Fair or Congress has its own purpose, specialty and audience. There is no point approaching the organization of these events in a rigid or standardized way. Therefore, our multidisciplinary team is flexible to understand each demand and adjust to deliver the ideal event.

To do this, we work with a complete management model. The first stage begins with the briefing made by the client and, from this point on, we take over all logistics management, ending with the delivery of a detailed analysis of the results and BI. This way, our team is able to create a cohesive model of excellence in all phases of the logistics of Corporate Events. The strategic planning of each phase and the expertise of the Incentivare team guarantee the ideal delivery.

To top it off, Incentivare works with a personalized RSVP system. In other words, our system addresses guests and participants quickly and dynamically, with the support of artificial intelligence resources, ensuring effective interaction and adding value to the result of overall customer satisfaction.

In a survey carried out with customers, Incentivare achieved an average satisfaction rate of 96.3%.

Furthermore, the quality of our services was recognized in the national Corporate Events market: Incentivare won 14 Caio Awards (the “Oscar of Events”) in 21 editions, 6 times the award for Best Incentive Events Agency in Brazil.

Market changes

In recent times, the market has undergone significant digital transformations. New technologies have emerged and allowed the way of working with Corporate Events to change as well.

Incentivare has followed this change and offers, with its already known expertise, the organization of virtual events. With different challenges than the in-person event, the elements to engage participants are different and require technology and innovation.

Within this context, Incentivare has among its partners and suppliers the best companies in the digital sector that bring the best and most recent technological tools available on the market.

If you don’t know us yet, then come to Incentivare and reap the best results for your investment.

Contact our team and find out more!

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